Pomegranate Exporter and Suppliers in India

Pomegranate Exporter and Suppliers in India


Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. India is the largest producer of pomegranates in the world.The total area under cultivation of pomegranate in India is 107.00 thousand ha and production is around 743.00 thousands tons.

Fresh Pomegranate is one of the important fruit crops commercially grown in the state of Maharashtra. The main commercially grown varieties are Bhagwa , Arkata & Ganesh, Bhagwa is widely known for its soft seed, Dark red colour, and extremely delicious.

Health Benefits

  • Protects cells from damage by free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Reduces inflammation and lowers the risk of chronic diseases.
  • High in dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion and gut health.
  • Reduces muscle soreness and inflammation, aiding in recovery.
  • Protects against sun damage, reduces wrinkles, and promotes collagen production.

Why Indian Pomegranate?

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • Using disease free and quality plant material of improved cultivars.
  • Adoption of high planting density.
  • Proper canopy management.
  • Keeping proper load of fruits on the tree.
  • Timely control of pests and diseases by adopting IPM practices

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