Garpes Exporter and Suppliers in India

Garpes Exporter and Suppliers in India


The sweet-sour cluster fruit, grapes come in many variants and colours- green, black, pink, purple, seedless grapes, and such others. Grapes resemble a berry in a botanical language, it is grown on woody vines of the plant genus Vitis. Grapes are majorly cultivated in the winter season. Grapes are generally non-climacteric types of fruit and hence it grows in clusters.

The Indian grapes exporter exports tones of grapes across the world. The demand for grapes is high in the global fruit market. India has gained a lead in exporting grapes in recent decades. The grapes export from India is witness to significant growth.

Health Benefits

  • Antioxidants in grapes help guard against cancer.
  • Potassium in grapes aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure.
  • High water and fiber content in grapes reduce constipation risk.
  • Grapes may help alleviate allergy symptoms.
  • Antioxidants in grapes may assist in treating acne.

India Facts and Figures :

Grape is one of the important fruits covering an area of 175.93 thousand hectares occupying 2.5% of the total area of Fruits Production in 2023-24 (2nd Advance Estimate). The country is also a major exporter of Fresh Grapes to the world. The country has exported 343,982.34 MT of Grapes to the world, worth Rs. 3,460.70 crores/ 417.07USD Millions during the year 2023-24.


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